Hi all,
I thought it would be nice to post how I painted my Talisman Sabre Terrain Set, and give my painting strategy in the hope that it helps some of you. I am by no means a great painter, and all I wanted to do was get a decent finish for the table, while getting it prepped for the upcoming Frosthaven game. So here is how I did it.
Over time I will slowly update the below list as I finish more items and add better photos as I get them used in scenarios. I look forward to seeing your interpretations of the terrain!
Cave tiles (Frost Theme)

Floor Tiles & Walls:
Prime u/s of bases black
Prime top down cheap grey
Prime ‘Wolf grey’ army painter
Heavy dry brush in Army Painter AP Toxic Mist
Still heavy but slightly lighter dry brush in AP Matt White
Heavy dry brush the top half in AP Matt White
For normal floor tiles, try to leave some of the toxic mist showing. But go over the white portions a second time to make it look more icy on some tiles.
Add snow effect to ~1/3 of tiles.
Snow can be made with:
1 part PVA glue
1 part cheap white acrylic paint
2 parts bicarbonate of soda
I used roughly a teaspoon in the above quantities.

Obstacles Rocks:
Black primer all over
Then paint base coat the model dark grey (AP Dark Stone)
Then heavy dry brush a medium grey (AP Ash Grey)
Then a light dry brush with Light grey white. (AP Ash Grey + AP Matt White).
Ice Resin Tiles:
Black primer all over
Split the models into two portions, shallow and deep.
Then paint base coat the model in AP Dark Sky (dark blue) for the deep ones, and AP Elemental Bolt for the shallow ones.
Then, while still wet, paint the edges of both the deep and shallow tiles AP Ultramarine Blue and blend toward the middle, leaving a dark well in the middle of the deep ones, and a light well in the shallow ones. I also added an eye and painted some larger tentacles to complement the tentacles in the terrain.
Then add UV resin to the models and allow to cure.
Scratch the surface of the resin all over with sandpaper. Then scratch in random patterns more heavily. Finally, take a craft knife and make some cuts into the resin.
Wet palette mix AP Ultramarine Blue, AP Elemental Bolt. AP Toxic Mist, AP Hydra Turquoise, AP Matt White and apply the darker colours to the edge of the base very wet. While still damp, then add the lighter colours to allow some of the darker ones to start shining through.
Add snow to the perimeter of the model and against obstacles as per cave floor tiles.
Paint Gloss varnish exposed resin.
Spray Matt varnish the entire model.
Paint gloss varnish on exposed resin.

Outdoor tiles (Summer/Autumn Forest Theme)
Prime u/s of bases black
Prime top down black
Prime ‘chaotic red’ army painter
Grass Floor Tiles:
Medium dry brush AP Fur Brown over the full tile
Medium dry brush AP Greenskin over the grassy areas
Light dry brush AP Snake Scales to a few high or blotchy areas
For just dirt ones, a light dry brush of AP kobold skin
Then for an autumn feel, Drybrush over the deeper areas of grass with AP Tanned Flesh
Then for an autumn feel, Drybrush over the raised areas of grass with AP Demonic Yellow
Green Plants:
Medium dry brush AP Fur Brown over the full tile
Medium dry brush AP Goblin Green over the grassy areas
Light dry brush AP Jungle Green to a few high or blotchy areas

Autumn Plants:
Primer chaotic red
Medium dry brush AP Leather Brown over the bark
Light dry brush AP kobold skin over the bark
Medium dry brush AP basilisk brown over the leaves
Wash AP strong tone over the leaves
Light dry brush 50/50 AP lava orange / AP basilisk brown to a few blotchy areas
Light dry brush AP demonic yellow to a few high or blotchy areas
Light dry brush AP pure red to a few high or blotchy areas
Palisade fences:
Paint wood in AP dirt spatter.
Light dry brush vertical elements in AP fur brown
Light dry brush horizontal timber AP tanned flesh
Paint tips and bottoms AP kobold skin
Dungeon Tiles (Gloomy/Mossy Dungeon Theme)

Floor Tiles:
Black primer all over.
Then heavy dry brush the model Mix of 1:2 matt black and AP Hydra Turquoise (very dark teal colour aimed for, AP Dark Sky)
Medium Drybrush AP Hydra Turquoise
Light Drybrush AP Toxic Mist
Stipple medium with AP Elemental Bolt
Stipple light in a few highlight areas with AP Snake Scales

Black Primer all over.
Then heavy dry brush the model Mix of 1:2 matt black and AP Hydra Turquoise (very dark teal colour aimed for)
Light Drybrush AP Hydra Turquoise
Very very light dry brush of upper half with AP Toxic Mist.
Stipple medium on edges with AP Elemental Bolt
Stipple light in a few highlight areas with AP Poisonous Cloud
Metal things:
Black primer all over
Then base coat the model dark grey (ash grey + matt black)
Medium dry brush w/ darker AP plate Mail mixed with black.
Grey primer all over (in hindsight, black would have been better)
Paint fully in a mix of: 2/4 AP Plate Mail Metal, 1/4 AP Matt Black, 1/4 AP Pure Red. (Should make a very dull metallic red).
Wash entire model with AP Strong Tone.
Light/medium dry brush with a mix of: 5/6th AP Bright Gold, 1/6th AP Matt Black to develop a dark bronze colour.

White primer all over
Paint yellow
Then splodges of yellowy/orange
Then splodges of orange
Then splodges of orangy/red
Then heavy dry brush very dark grey around the edges
Then medium dry brush over the middle bits
Then light grey very light dry brush over the edges and tops
Indoor tiles (town theme)
Wooden Tiles:
Medium dry brush AP Tanned Flesh for the wooden tiles along the plank to cover a lot of the chaotic red (but not all)
Then a medium dry brush across the planks to highlight the raised edges in AP Kobold skin
Any highlights where required (such as rope on the bridge) can be done in AP Barbarian Flesh

Cobble things:
Black primer all over
Then paint base coat the model dark grey (AP Dark Stone)
Medium/heavy dry brush of AP Ash Grey.
Paint some bricks an AP Kobold Skin
Paint some bricks an AP Tanned Flesh
Paint some bricks an AP Dirt Spatter
Wash over with Citadel Agrax Earthshade, or AP Strong Tone.

I am superimpressed by your dungeon themed pieces. I tried to replicate painting mine with your instructions, it's going ok but not great. I don't get the same "popping" turqoise as your walls.
The instructions you posted for floor and wall tiles are almost exactly the same, yet the floor is way darker than the walls. Is this the correct way to blend the colors?
Love it. I especially like your take on the dungeon hexes, they really pop. Fantastic work and thanks for sharing.